
2.6.3 802.1Q VLAN Config
The following figure is the page to add/delete/edit the 802.1q VLAN entry. Each VLAN entry has 3
parameters, VID, Tag Members and UnTag Members to be assigned.
After selecting Create New VLAN the figure shown as below will be displayed:
¾ VID – a unique VLAN ID. The range is from 1 to 4094
¾ Tag Members & UnTag Members – Click the image directly, it will switch to Not Member,
Tag Member or Untag Member.
Input the VID (1-4094) and check the member row to select the ports which belong to this VLAN
group. After these settings are complete click the Create button to submit the data to the switch.
Click the Cancel button to abort the actions and go back to the VLAN Config page.