Lindy 25010 Switch User Manual

1.1 Start to Manage This Switch
Plug-in the power source to power-up the switch. After the switch is powered-on and in a ready state
(both the LED indicators POWER and DIAG are lit), you can use any in-band Ethernet port to
remotely manage it through a web browser. Alternatively use an RS-232 cable to plug-in the console
port (on the rear panel) to locally do the simple system configurations by using the command line
interface (CLI). The default IP and related settings for this interface are shown as follows:
IP address:
Network mask:
Default gateway:
Try to use the default IP shown above to PING the switch from your PC to make sure the network
connection is successful. The default IP address on this switch can be modified later for your needs.
If you encounter access problems you can just locally connect to the console port to get the correct
IP address for this system.
Now you can use the browser to launch the web-managed interface for this switch. This system only
supports Microsoft Internet Explorer for web interface configuration.
The login dialog box (shown as below) will show up first when the switch’s IP address is entered in
your browser.
Use the default username and password shown as below to complete the login procedure:
Username: admin
Password: 123
This username/password can be modified later for your needs.