Dual-Band Wireless Access Point
13. At this point, the configuration performed with the Setup Wizard is com-
plete, as shown in Figure 5-12. To configure any other Access Points in your
network, you can run this Setup Wizard again. Click the Exit button to exit
the Setup Wizard.
Instant Wireless™ Series
11. The following Security screen, shown in Figure 5-7, will allow you to enter
your WEP key. Each point in your wireless network must use the same WEP
key for the network to function properly. Verify that the appropriate key is
entered and click the Next button to continue or Back to return to the pre-
vious page.
The WEP key can consist of the letters “A” through “F” and the numbers
“0” through “9” and should be 10 characters in length for 64-bit encryption
or 26 characters in length for 128-bit encryption. All points in your wireless
network must use the same WEP key to utilize WEP encryption.
12. You should now review the settings you’ve chosen, as shown in Figure 5-
11. If these settings are correct, click the Ye s button to save these settings.
If you wish to change any of the settings, click the No button. You will exit
the Setup Wizard and can start it again to revise your settings.
Figure 5-12
Figure 5-11
Figure 5-10