Chapter 6: Setting up the Wireless-G Game Adapter for Xbox®
Setting up the Game Adapter Using Your Xbox
Wireless-G Game Adapter
7. On the SELECT NETWORK screen, select the name of the wireless network you want to use. (You may need to
scroll down to see additional network names.)
If you do not see the network you want to use, select OTHER and then enter the name of the wireless network
you want to use. Select DONE to save the name of your wireless network.
8. The Game Adapter will be automatically configured except for its security setting.
If the wireless network uses WEP encryption, then select SECURITY TYPE on the WIRELESS SETTINGS
Figure 6-9: Xbox’s SELECT NETWORK Screen
Figure 6-10: Xbox’s WIRELESS SETTINGS Screen
encryption: encoding data transmitted in a network.
wep (wired equivalent privacy): a method of
encrypting network data transmitted on a
wireless network for greater security.