Chapter 16:
SFE2000/SFE2000P Gigabit Ethernet Switch Reference Guide
Interface Page
The Interface Page contains the following fields:
The General Information area contains the following fields:
• Interface — Indicates the device for which statistics are displayed. The possible field values are:
– Port — Defines the specific port for which Ethernet statistics are displayed.
– LAG — Defines the specific LAG for which Ethernet statistics are displayed.
• Refresh Rate — Defines the amount of time that passes before the interface statistics are refreshed.
The possible field values are:
– 15 Sec — Indicates that the Ethernet statistics are refreshed every 15 seconds.
– 30 Sec — Indicates that the Ethernet statistics are refreshed every 30 seconds.
– 60 Sec — Indicates that the Ethernet statistics are refreshed every 60 seconds.
– No Refresh — Indicates that the Ethernet statistics are not refreshed.
The Receive Statistics area contains the following fields:
• Total Bytes (octets) — Displays the number of octets received on the interface since the device was
last refreshed. This number includes bad packets and FCS octets, but excludes framing bits.
• Unicast Packets — Displays the number of good Unicast packets received on the interface since the
device was last refreshed.