What’s included in the box
AC power cord* for US J2552-0063-03
for EU J2552-0247-00
for UK J2552-0065-02
for Australia J2552-0053-00
for South Korea J2552-0247-00
Computer cable J2552-0072-05
Mini DIN 5-pin cable J2552-0376-00
Remote control
User Manual/Quick Start up (English only)
Safety Manual/Quick Start up
CD-ROM (with User Manual)
Battery (2)
Lens cap
Lamp replacement attachment
3D emitter
Non-slip sheet
3D emitter securing screw (2)
* One of power cords for the U.S., Europe, U.K., Australia, and South Korea is provided appropriately.
• Theattachedpowercordistobeusedexclusivelyforthisproduct.Neveruseitforotherproducts.
Inserting the batteries into the remote control
1. Remove the back lid of the remote control.
2. Checkthepolarity(+),(-)ofthebatteries,andsetthem
correctly, inserting their (-) side first.
• Ifthebatteryisinsertedfromthe(+)siderst,
inserting the (-) side is difficult because the coil spring
end hits on the battery side. If the battery is forced in
this way, the outer label of the battery may get ripped
and it may cause a short-circuit and heating.
3. Attach the back lid.
• Usetwosize-AAbatteries(R6).
• Replacethetwobatterieswithnewoneswhenthe
remote control is slow to respond.
Removing the batteries from the remote control
Remove the back lid of the remote control and take out the batteries.
• Useofabatteryofwrongtypemaycauseexplosion.
• OnlyCarbon-ZincorAlkaline-ManganeseDioxidetypebatteriesshouldbeused.
• Disposeofusedbatteriesaccordingtoyourlocalregulations.
• Beforeyoudisposeofthebatteries,insulatethembyplacinginsulationtapeonthepositive(+)andnegative(-)
terminals. If you dispose of the batteries together with other conductive objects such as a metal piece, they may
short out, resulting in fire or explosion.
• Batteriesmayexplodeifmisused.Donotrecharge,disassemble,orheatthebatteries,orputthemintoreor
• Besuretohandlethebatteriesaccordingtotheinstructions.
• Loadthebatterieswithitspositive(+)andnegative(-)sidescorrectlyorientedasindicatedontheremotecontrol.
• Keepbatteriesoutofreachofchildrenandpets.Ifchildrenswallowthebattery,seeadoctorimmediately.
• Removethebatteries,iftheremotecontrolisnotusedforalongtime.
• Donotcombineanewbatterywithanoldone.
• Ifthesolutionofbatteriescomesincontactwithyourskinorclothes,rinsewithwater.Ifthesolutioncomesin
contact with your eyes, rinse them with water and then consult your doctor.
• Donotcarryorstorethebatteriestogetherwithmetallicballpointpens,necklaces,coins,orhairpins.Otherwise,
they may short out, causing explosion or liquid leakage and resulting in fire or injury.
• Donotstorethebatterieswheretheyareexposedtodirectsunlightorsubjectedtohightemperatureandhigh
humidity. High temperature and high humidity may cause corrosion or liquid leakage.
Preparing your projector