July 1998 TC9830SM Rev. B 7/98 Confidential 43
This section contains the error/status codes used with the 9800 series printers. These same codes are called status
codes when they are displayed on the Control Panel LCD; and error codes when they are part of Diagnostics “Status
Polling” test sequences. These error/status codes are organized into Data Errors, Communications Failures, Data
Formatting Failures, Machine Faults, and Hard Printer Faults.
To clear an error/status code, press Clear. If a data formatting error (571 through 619) occurs, press Feed. The label
prints, but data may be missing.
An error label queues and prints when you press FEED after a data error occurs. The error label contains the packet
type, field type, line number, and error number. The packet and field type return the first letter after the { or ¦. If the
letter cannot be determined, ? is returned. The line number refers to which line in the packet the error occurs. The
error number is the three-digit error code. Use this information to correct the format, batch, font, check digit, graphic,
or online configuration packet.
The first label shows an error in line 8, which is a constant text field within the format packet. The error number is
The second label shows an error in line 1 of the batch packet. The error number is 101.
DATA ERRORS (001 - 499)
Error/Status Codes 001 to 499 are data errors. They indicate that incorrect data was received from the external PC,
causing the printer to ignore the entire print job. After checking the packet and correcting the problem, transmit the
print job again. The following is a list of data errors. These errors occur because data in the format, batch, check
digit, font, or graphic packet is invalid.
Code Description
001 Packet ID number must be 1 to 999.
002 Name must be 1 to 8 characters inside quotes or a printer-assigned name ("").
003 Action must be A (add) or C (clear).
Supply length is invalid.
Supply width is invalid.
Storage device must be R (volatile RAM).
Unit of measure must be E (English), M (Metric), or G (Dots).