Printer Error/Status Codes 9820/9830/9835 Service Manual
July 1998 TC9830SM Rev. B 7/98 Confidential 47
325 Duplicating direction must be 0 (insert after) or 1 (insert before) in duplicate fields for graphics.
327 Amount of row adjustment must be 0 to 999 dots in duplicate fields for graphics.
328 Duplicate count must be 0 to 999.
340 Bitmap line encoding must be H (hex) or R (run length).
350 Font selector must be 1 to 9999.
351 Font data length must be 68 to 16384.
Insufficient font memory is available for downloaded font.
380 Job request is outside range 0 to 4.
400 The character immediately following { is invalid.
Field separator is not in expected location.
Field separator was not found.
The number or string that is currently being processed is too long.
Too many fields exist in format. You cannot have more than 1000 fields in format. Lines, boxes, and
constant text fields count as fields.
The printer memory is full. Delete unnecessary formats or graphics from memory. If you are using a
graphic file that is very large, consider using another mapping method (such as run length encoding) to
reduce required memory.
Errors 410 to 414 are usually caused by a hardware failure, by an incorrect SETUP option, or by the host
PC ignoring flow control (XON/XOFF, CTS/RTS, or DTR). The serial communication settings are:
Baud rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
Word length 7 or 8
Stop bits 1 or 2
Parity Odd, Even, None
Flow control None, XON/XOFF, CTS/RTS, DTR
Code Description
Parity on printer doesn’t match parity on host. Check parity setting under SETUP options.
Framing error. The printer cannot communicate with host. Make sure host is turned on,
communication cables are connected correctly, port settings are correct, and communications are
active. Check baud rate, word length, and stop bits to make sure they match those at host. Do not
toggle between Microsoft® Windows® and MS-DOS, while using COPY command, or you will receive
a framing error. Exit Windows before using COPY command. Re-transmit data.
There is a problem with flow control between printer and host. Make sure printer and host flow control
settings match (both are DTR or both are XON/XOFF).
Online receive queue is full. Check your printer's XON/XOFF or DTR SETUP values to be sure there
isn't a flow control problem.
The internal keyboard buffer is full or you need a new keypad.
The buffer size you defined exceeds total available in your machine.