Abbreviation Full name Explanation
PPR Page Printer Requester Enhanced version of
enhancement enables bi-
communication when
printing. Not part of the
standard TCP/IP stack
(programs). Used by ida
PSS, ida HPR and PSF.
Works only in conjunction
with PPR. The sender of a
print job via TCP/IP will
be PPR and the receiver
will be PPD.
PSF Print Service Facility IBM printer driver for AFP
printing. Converts line
data and AFP data to
IPDS only. PSF/AIX and
PSF/2 is capable of
converting the data to
PCL as well.
PSS (ida PSS) Print
Subsystem Print
system for OS/390 (MVS)
and VM systems. Prints
AFP and line data files on
all remote printers, NOT
channel attached
RAM Random Access Memory Memory chip that is able
to store information while
powered on. RAM can be
‘written’ an indefinite
number of times.
SCS SNA Character String Control information for
simple print formatting
like e.g. set CPI, LPI and
Form Feed.
SIMM Single Inline Memory
SNA Systems Network
IBM networking concept
usually for Mainframe and
AS/400. On mainframes
the actual program that
implements SNA is called