Multitech MT1432BA Modem User Manual

MultiModemBA User Guide
S29 1 1-255 20 Specifies the amount of idle time can elapse
between AT commands after the SETUP
password has been entered
S30 min 0-255 0 Inactivity timer used to disconnect modem.
S32 100mSec 0-255 20 Sets time that modem waits for a
<RETURN> to be entered during escape
sequence execution.
S34 ASCII 0-60 10 Buffer size for number of characters in AT
command string after on-line escape
sequence, before buffer is cleared and
escape sequence aborted.
S36 1 second 0-255 0 S36 sets the time between DTR inactive and
the modem going off-hook (busy-out).
S37 1 second 0-255 5 S37 sets the time allowed DTR active and
the modem responding on-hook (not busy).
* S48 N/A 33, 31, 0 S48 sets maximum speed modem connects
28, 26, 24, within scope of Enhanced V34
21, 19, 16, mode (e.g., S48 = 21 means
14, 12, 96 maximum connect speed is
and 48 21.6K)
. This register is useful when line
conditions will not support higher V34
speeds. The default value is 0, which
indicates a connection attempt of 28.8K.
lower speeds are still enabled.
* 2834 Series only