Multi-Tech Systems MT5634SMI V.34 Modem User Manual

Chapter 4 – Voice Commands
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. SocketModem MT5634SMIxx Reference Guide (S000263C) 107
Command: +VNH=<hook><Enter> Automatic Hang-Up Control
Values: 0, 1, 2, 3 through 255
Result Codes: OK if command accepted; ERROR if parameter out of range.
Description: The +VNH command causes the modem to enable or disable automatic hang ups to a
varying degree when in Data mode or Fax mode, as shown below:
+VNH=0 Enable automatic hang-ups as is normal in other non-Voice modes (such
as hanging up the phone when the modem does not detect a data carrier
within a given time interval).
+VNH=1 Disable automatic hang-ups in other non-Voice modes
+VNH=2 Disable automatic hang-ups in other non-Voice modes. The modem
performs only a "logical" hang up (i.e., returns the OK result code).
+VNH=3-255 Reserved for future standards
Command: +FMI?<Enter> Report Manufacturer's ID
Values: N/A
Default: N/A
Result Codes: Only unsolicited result codes (not the standard AT -type OK result code)
Description: The + FMI? command causes the modem to report text consisting of a single line with the
modem manufacturer's name (e.g., Lucent Data/Fax/Voice), and our address, phone, and
fax numbers.
Command: +FMM?<Enter> Report Product ID
Result Codes: Only unsolicited result codes (not the standard AT-type OK result code)
Description: The +FMM command causes the modem to report text consisting of a single line with the
modem's name (e.g., SocketModem).
Command: +FMR?<Enter> Report Version Level
Result Codes: OK or ERROR
Description: The +FMR command causes the modem to report the firmware version number and/or a
date code (e.g., Vs. 2.07 – 2/4/95).
Command: +FLO=<method><Enter> Select Flow Control Method
Values: 0, 1, 2, 3–255Result Codes: OK, or ERROR
Description: The +FLO? command lets you select the method of flow control provided and used by
the modem. If +FLO=0, some other method (such as credit flow control) is used. The
Xon-Xoff method is required. Xon is the ASCII character <DC1> (11 hex). Xoff is the
ASCII character >DC3> (13 hex). CCITT V.24 circuits 106 and 133 are optional flow
control methods. If circuits 106 and 133 are not used (+FLO<>2), then circuit 106 is held
On whenever +FCLASS=8. In Voice mode, circuit 105 has no effect on the state of
transmitted data. (Circuit 133 normally reverts to use as circuit 105 (RTS) when not used
for Flow Control.)
+FLO=0 Disable Xon-Xoff and 133/105 flow control
+FLO=1 Enable Xon-Xoff flow control in either direction
+FLO=2 Enable CCITT Circuit 133 for flow control of the modem by the PC; use
CCITT Circuit 106 for flow control of the PC by the modem.
+FLO=3-255 Reserved for future standards
Command: VIP Initialize Voice Parameters
Values: 0 (optional)
Description: The +VIP command causes the modem to initialize all Voice parameters to the factory
default settings. This command has the same effect as if the PC had issued commands
for the individual parameter settings. The +VIP command has no effect on the +FCLASS
setting. The optional command +VIP=0 <Enter> provides a selection of default profiles.