
Chapter 5 - AT Commands, S-Registers, and Error Codes
Defined values Meaning
0 Disables extended format
1 Enables extended format
+CRLP Radio link protocol
Syntax AT+CRLP=[<iws>[,mws>[,<T1>[,<N2>]]]] used to set radio link protocol parameters.
AT+CRLP? returns radio link protocol parameters. The response is +CRLP:
AT+CRLP=? for a list of supported radio link protocol parameters The response is
+CRLP: (list of supported <iws>), (list of supported <mws>), (list of supported <T1>),
(list of supported <N2>)
Error codes is returned as +CME ERROR: <err>:
Description The AT+CRLP command sets the radio link protocol parameters.
Defined values Meaning
61 IWF to MS window size
61 MS to IWF window size
1.100 Acknowledgment timer
0-10 Retransmisson attempts
+CSMS Select message service
Syntax AT+CSMS=<service> to select messaging service. The response is +CSMS:
AT+CSMS? returns the selected messaging service. The response is +CSMS:
AT+CSMS=? for a list of supported <service>. The response is +CSMS: (list of
supported <service>)
Error code is returned as +CMS ERROR: <err>:
Description The AT+CSMS command selects the messaging service:
AT+CSMS=<mt> for mobile terminated
AT+CSMS=<mo> for mobile originated
AT+CSMS=<bm> for broadcast type messages.
Defined values Meaning
0 GSM 03.40 and 03.41
1-127 Reserved
128 Manufacturer specific
<mt> <mo> <bm>
0 Type not supported
1 Type supported