MultiMobile SoftGSM User Guide
GSM Statistics (Updated February, 99)
North American customers: 2 Million
Worldwide customers 155 Million
U.S. Companies with more than 100,000 customers 7
Worldwide networks with 100,000+ customers 68
N.A. Companies with active commercial GSM service 15
Countries with active commercial GSM service 120
GSM MoU Assn. Members 256
N.A. Companies Planning to Use GSM 24
Cities with Commercial Service (20,000+ POPS) 674
Cities with Commercial Service (50,000+ POPS) 252
Cities with Commercial Service (75,000+ POPS) 151
Cities with Commercial Service (100,000+ POPS) 114
U.S. States, D.C. and Canadian Provinces with
commercial service 38
Active Cell Sites 7,441
Employees 7,623
Total U.S. POPS 260 Million
Covered POPS in active markets to Date 136 Million
US PCS licenses to have GSM Service 427
Additional Facts
• GSM customer numbers area growing at a rate of 80 percent; One million signed up in 8
• GSM’s North American network is the 12th GSM system to exceed one million customers.
• GSM companies in North America are signing up customers at a rate of 137 an hour, two a
• Seven GSM companies in the U.S. have more than 100,000 customers. It took the entire
U.S. cellular industry more than 4 years to reach as many customers as GSM has added in
the past 12 months.
• More than 600 GSM cities activated in 12 months. The equivalent of nearly two new cities a
• GSM carriers have built nearly 7,500 cell sites in two years (Entire U.S. cellular industry took
7 years)
• GSM carriers have created more than 7,500 new jobs in U.S. & Canada.
• Two million new GSM customers around the world are added every month - that’s one new
subscriber every second!