National Instruments AT Computer Hardware User Manual

Serial Hardware and Software for Windows I-6
maximum supported baud rate
Windows 2000, D-5
Windows Me/9x,D-17
Windows NT, D-23
Measurement Studio, 1-8
missing serial port in the niports list, D-18
modular jack connector, A-3
pin descriptions (table), A-3
pin locations (figure), A-3
multidrop network using terminating resistors
(figure), B-5
multi-function adapter class in the Device
Manager (figure), D-17
naming National Instruments serial ports
standard DOS-based addresses
(table), D-15
Windows 2000, D-4
Windows Me/9x,D-15
Windows NT, D-22
National Instruments Web support, F-1
NI Developer Zone, F-1
niports configuration utility (figure)
AT, 5-22
PCI, 2-21
PCMCIA, 4-19
PXI, 3-20
null-modem cabling in a DTE-to-DTE
interface (figure), B-7
number of interrupts required for a serial
interface, D-17
optional equipment, 1-3
overview of serial hardware
AT, 1-6
PCI, 1-3
PXI, 1-4
overview of serial software, 1-8
PCI serial board installation (figure), 2-3,
2-11, 2-19
PCMCIA card installation (figure), 4-3,
4-10, 4-17
pin descriptions
100-pin connector pin descriptions
(figure), A-8
100-pin connector pin descriptions
(table), A-9
68-pin connector pin descriptions
(figure), A-6
68-pin connector pin descriptions
(table), A-7
connector, A-4
connector pin descriptions
(table), A-4
connector pin locations (figure), A-4
100-pin description (table), A-9
68-pin description (table), A-7
connector, A-2
connector pin descriptions
(table), A-2
connector pin locations (figure), A-2
PnP port configuration dialog box for the
AT-232/4 (figure), 5-25
port settings tab
AT, Windows 2000, 5-7
AT, Windows Me/9x,5-16
advanced port settings
AT, Windows Me/9x,5-17
PCI, Windows Me/9x,2-17