NuVision TM818 Graphics Tablet User Manual

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What are Charms?
Charms help you get things done on your Tablet including Search, Print, Share, and changing
your Tablet settings.
From the rightedgeofthescreen,swipeyourngerinwardtobringuptheCharmMenucolumn.
Openaparticularle,photo,orwebsiteyouwishtoshareusingtheShare charm.
Swipe inward from the right edge of the screen and tap (or click) Settings > Share.
To post on a social media site, tap (or click) People. To read a page later, tap (or click)
Reading List. To email a link, tap (or click) Mail To share a screenshot, tap (or click)
Open the Start Menu screen. You can also use this function to return to the application
program last opened.
Connect an external screen or printer to the Tablet PC. Or access other PC setting
options including the Control Panel, Activate Windows, Set the Time, Updates and
Personalize and set up the Tablet through a custom adjustment of settings.