The procedure for activating the Maintenance Console Software for the
VoIP-TA unit is described in step-by-step instructions starting with the
software through to connection with the VoIP-TA unit’s functions.
• Click on Start on the task bar, bring the cursor pointer on Program, and
then click on VoIP-TA console.
• The Initial window will
• Click on Run (R)on the
menu bar.
• When the pull-down menu appears, select Connect.
• The New connection
window will appear.
• Select a connection
LAN connection:
Remote connection via a LAN interface.
Specify the IP address of the VoIP-TA in the Host entry area.
Serial connection:
Local and direct connection via a RS232C interface.
Specify the COM port for the PC to be connected to the VoIP-TA.
Start connection by clicking on the OK button.