Technical reference
The following code is a fragment of a C application which demonstrates how to open
multiple units with the USB TC-08 driver. The handles to the open units are stored in
an array for later use:
// Opening multiple units
for (i = 0; (new_handle = usb_tc08_open_unit()) > 0; i++)
// store the handle in an array
handle_array[i] = new_handle;
no_of_units = i;
// deal with the error if there is one,
// if new_handle was zero, then there was no error
// and we reached the last available unit
if (new_handle == -1)
error_code = usb_tc08_get_last_error(0);
printf("Unit failed to open\nThe error code is %d", error_code);
// could terminate the application here
// Start using the open units