TC-08 User's Guide4
Safety warning
We strongly recommend that you read the general safety information below before
using your product for the first time. If the equipment is not used in the manner
specified, then the protection provided may be impaired. This could result in damage
to your computer and/or injury to yourself or others.
Maximum input range
The USB TC-08 is designed to measure voltages in the range of ±70 mV. Any voltages
in excess of ±30 V may cause permanent damage to the unit.
Mains voltages
These products are not designed for use with mains voltages.
Safety grounding
The ground of every product is connected directly to the ground of your computer
through the interconnecting cable provided. This is done in order to minimise
interference. If the PC (especially laptop) is not grounded, reading stability cannot be
guaranteed and it may be necessary to manually ground the equipment.
Take care to avoid connecting the inputs of the product to anything which may be at a
hazardous voltage. If in doubt, use a meter to check that there is no hazardous AC or
DC voltage. Failure to check may cause damage to the product and/or computer and
could cause injury to yourself or others.
Take great care when measuring temperatures near mains equipment. If a sensor is
accidentally connected to mains voltages, you risk damage to the converter or your
computer and your computer chassis may become live.
You should assume that the product does not have a protective safety earth. Incorrect
configuration or use of the device to measure voltages outside the maximum input
range can be hazardous.
The unit contains no user-serviceable parts: repair or calibration of the unit requires
specialised test equipment and must be performed by Omega Engineering.