TC-08 User's Guide36
short usb_tc08_legacy_get_temp
long * temp,
short handle,
short channel,
short filtered
Once you open the driver and define some channels, you can call the
usb_tc08_legacy_run routine. The driver will then constantly take readings from the
USB TC-08. Temperatures are returned in hundredths of a degree Celsius and
voltages are returned in microvolts.
Specifies from which channel to read temperature. Should
be 0 for CJC, 1 for Channel 1, 2 for Channel 2 and so on.
Pointer to a location where readings are to be placed. Each
reading should be compared with 2147483647L or
LONG_MAX (include limits.h) to check for overflows. An
overflow occurs when the input signal is higher than the
measuring range of the USB TC-08.
Specifies whether or not to filter the data. The readings
are median filtered if set to 1. 0 causes the unfiltered
temperature to be stored in temp. The filter has a depth
defined by the filter factor, set during a
usb_legacy_set_channel call.
Use usb_tc08_get_last_error.
Temperature retrieval successful.
Note: Do not call this function unless you are operating the USB TC-08 in legacy
mode, having called usb_tc08_legacy_run.