Omega -C4EIT/-EIT Switch User Manual

Appendix H Telnet Setup (continued)
Figure H-3 Telnet Setup - iServer Help Page
| GW | Gateway | |
| DN | DNS server address | |
| LP | Login password | 0-16 Alphanumeric chars |
| SP | Admin password | 0-16 Alphanumeric chars |
| PP | Local port password | 0-16 Alphanumeric chars |
| TC | Telnet console access | 0-Disable, 1-Enable |
| WS | webserver access | 0-Disable, 1-Enable |
| SR | Secured readings, Charts | 0-Disable, 1-Enable |
To configure Baudrate 9600, 1 stop bit, Odd Parity, and RS232 m
s -BDS -PT1 -ST1 MDO