2. Enter information or select from the list for each parameter.
3.1.1 Main
Shelf (KX-TDE600 only)
Indicates the shelf position (reference only).
Value Range
Shelf type
Indicates the slot position (reference only).
Value Range
Slot number
Indicates the port number (reference only).
Value Range
Port number
Indicates the port status.
This column offers two ways to open the screen to select the port command:
• Click the desired cell in the column.
• Select the desired cell in the column, and then click Command.
Value Range
INS: The port is in service.
OUS: The port is out of service.
Fault: The port is not communicating with the network.
Channel Attribute
Specifies the channel property of each port to enable several sessions to be performed for one subscription
with the SIP provider.
Value Range
Basic channel
: The subscriber channel that is assigned the SIP registration information.
Additional channel for ChN (N=1–16): The subordinative channel that uses the same registration information
as a Basic channel for SIP sessions. Select the Basic channel number to which the Additional channel belongs.
Not Used: The channel is not in use.
Provider Name
Specifies the name of the SIP provider.
Programming Manual for Virtual SIP Trunk Card 19
3.1.1 Main