3.2 Programming the V-SIPGW16 Card—Card
3.2.1 Card Property
The properties of the V-SIPGW card can be specified. To programme the parameters, click Common
Settings, and set the desired value.
Accessing Card Properties
1. Under Configuration, click Slot.
2. Move the mouse pointer over the white PBX image at the bottom of the screen for the virtual slots.
3. Click Select Shelf.
4. Move the mouse pointer over the V-SIPGW16 card.
5. Click Card Property.
Programming Card Property
Icon Description
In this section, the following icons show the different parameter type.
Icon Description for Parameter Type
Manual programming is compulsory under certain conditions.
Not marked Manual programming is optional.
DNS Server IP Address Method
Specifies the method of IP address assignment for a DNS server. When selecting DHCP, the DNS server IP
can be assigned automatically by a DHCP server. When selecting Manual, the DNS server IP address
must be assigned manually.
Value Range
DHCP, Manual
DHCP Preferred DNS Server IP Address
Indicates the IP address of the preferred DNS server assigned automatically by the DHCP server (reference
Value Range–
DHCP Alternate DNS Server IP Address
Indicates the IP address of the alternate DNS server assigned automatically by the DHCP server (reference
Programming Manual for Virtual SIP Trunk Card 39
3.2.1 Card Property