COMSPHERE 3550 Series Data Service Units
Glossary-6 December 1996 3550-A2-GB20-20
session disruptive
Application data may be disrupted when running a test, or running the test may
cause the application session to be dropped or terminated. The result depends upon
the front-end processor, the time-out parameters, etc.
Diagnostic messages with a duration of .5 seconds or less that are sent over the
primary data channel. These messages may interrupt customer data, causing errors
requiring retransmission of data blocks. They should not, however
, cause
termination of the communication session.
Shared Diagnostic
Control Panel
A feature that allows carrier-mounted DSUs to share the same control panel.
Installed on one COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier, it controls and monitors the
DSUs in all the carriers in the cabinet. A single SDCP can control up to eight
carriers, with a total of 128 DSUs and, if present, 128 DBMs.
Shared Diagnostic Unit
A circuit card that plugs into a dedicated slot (slot 0) in the COMSPHERE 3000
Series Carrier to provide the shared diagnostic control panel (SDCP) and network
management interfaces to the DSUs in the carrier. It translates the network
management protocol to the devices in the carrier and routes incoming messages to
the appropriate slots.
The Model 3550 DSU which is designed for desktop operation. A standalone DSU
can be configured as either a control or a tributary.
Time Division Multiplexer
A circuit card that supports time division multiplexing on two ports, and which can
also increase digital-sharing capability
training The process of negotiating a communication rate between V.32 modems during call
transmitter A circuit capable of generating, modulating, and sending a signal for
communication, control, or other purpose.
tributary A DSU or modem that is, for diagnostic purposes, at a logically subsidiary level in
a hierarchical network. Tributary DSUs in a network receive data from the control
DSU, as well as from any network management system present in the network.
TXD The state of the T
ransmitted Data lead.
UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
USOC Universal Service Ordering Codes.
6700 Series Network
Management System
A Paradyne automated network management system that allows an operator to
monitor network conditions, analyze problems, and take restorative measures from
a single personal computer (PC) workstation. This NMS operates in a Microsoftr
Windowst graphic environment.