54 July 2004 6212-A2-GB20-20
5.7 NAT
The NAT menu in the Advanced menu bar lets you set up Static NAT Mapping and Port Range
5.7.1 Static NAT Mapping
Static NAT Mapping allows a pool of local IP addresses to share a public IP address. It is a form
of NAT that maps multiple Private IP addresses to a single Public IP address. It allows several
virtually addressed workstations to share a single global address. PAT uses the TCP and UDP
port numbers to map multiple virtual addresses to a single global address.
Follow the steps below to configure the Static NAT Mapping:
Click on the Static Nat Mapping tab on the NAT menu.
STEP 2: Click on Add to add a new entry of the static Nat mapping. Fill out the following fields
and click on Apply.
The new entry will be listed in previous Static NAT Mapping list.