12 C841M-A (7/02)
No power Check the fuse .
Video output quality poor Check jumper settings (Refer to Figure 1, Table A).
(Examples: Squiggly video, poor contrast, picture not centered)
Locked system or sequencing not working as desired Reset the switcher.
There are two types of reset operations:
1. Restart operation without erasing any programmed settings or sequences. If the switcher “locks up” and does not
respond to normal operational controls, press the recessed RESET button on the front panel to restart operation.
2. Return the switcher to its default settings and then restart operation. Be careful if you perform this reset. Any
programmed settings or sequences will be lost.
The default settings:
Camera 1 Selected
Sequencing None
Alarms Disabled
External Trigger Disabled
Dwell Time 1 second
To reset the switcher to its default settings:
a. Press and hold the GLOBAL button.
b. Press the RESET button.
c. Release the RESET button.
d. Continue pressing the GLOBAL button while the unit resets. All LEDs turn off. When the reset is complete, the LED
for the monitor lights and the LED for camera 1 lights.
e. Release the GLOBAL button.
Table C. Fuse Table
MODEL 120 VAC Units 230 VAC Units
VA6204 1/10 1/10
VA6208 1/4 1/8
VA6212 1/10 1/10
VA6220 1/8 N/A
All fuses are 5 x 20 mm, 250V, slow-blow.