Pitney Bowes J640 Printer User Manual

Compliance Labels These ar e shi p pi ng l abel s used excl usi v ely
for a certain retailer. The label complies
with the retailer’s standards.
Compliance Label
This is the "skeleton" of the compliance
label that contains the fixed fields (constant
text, lines, etc.).
Fi eld This can be text, bar codes, lines, boxes,
constant, or non-printable text. It is the
result of a field definition.
Field Definition Thi s i s any str i ng of el ements (par ameter s)
that per t ai n to one f i eld . A f iel d def i nit ion
begi ns w i t h a fi el d i denti f i er (su ch as T, B,
D , C, etc.). For examp l e, a f i eld d efi nit i on
within a format may look something like:
T,1,10,V,250,50,0,1,1,1,B,C,0 p
Field Elements
These ar e the paramet ers t hat ap pl y t o a
field and are separated by commas. (In the
abov e exam pl e, B i s a f i el d el ement f or
Bl ack pri nt on a w hi te background.)
For mat This is the layout or design for your supply.
Format H eader This is the first line of a format,
immediatel y fol low i ng the start of a Packet
({). A format header must begin w ith F,
f ol l ow ed by v ar i ou s header el ements.
For mat Packet This is a packet that creates the format.
Refer to the definition of Packet for more
Graphic Field This field is specified in the format packet.
The v al u es for row and col umn posit i on the
graphi c image on the suppl y.
J640 Programmer’s Manual