Q-Logic IB0056101-00 G Computer Drive User Manual

A – Installation Troubleshooting
Version Number Conflict with opensm-* on RHEL5 Systems
IB0056101-00 G A-5
Missing Kernel RPM Errors
Install the kernel-source, kernel-devel, and, if using an older release,
kernel-smp-devel RPMs for your distribution before installing the InfiniPath
RPMs, as there are dependencies. Use uname -a to find out which kernel is
currently running, to make sure that you install the version with which it matches.
If these RPMs have not been installed, you will see error messages like this when
installing InfiniPath:
Building and installing InfiniPath modules for 2.6.16_sles10 kernel
*** ERROR: /lib/modules/ is
*** Is the kernel-source rpm for
Building and installing InfiniPath modules for 2.6.9_U4
2.6.9-42.ELsmp kernel
*** ERROR: /lib/modules/2.6.9-42.ELsmp/build/.config is missing.
*** Is the kernel-smp-devel rpm for 2.6.9-42.ELsmp
Install the correct RPMs by using the yum or yast commands, for example:
# yum install kernel-devel
Next, the infinipath-kernel package must be re-installed, with the
--replacepkgs option included. Then InfiniPath can be restarted. To do so,
type the following (as root):
# rpm -U --replacepkgs infinipath-kernel-*
# /etc/init.d/infinipath restart
Check your distribution’s documentation for more information on installing
these RPMs, and for usage of yum or yast.