Radio Shack PRO-2053 Scanner User Manual

A General Guide to Frequencies
Ham Radio Frequencies
Ham radio operators often transmit emer-
gency information when other means of com-
munication break down. The chart below
shows the frequencies the scanner receives
that ham radio operators normally use:
Birdie Frequencies
Every scanner has birdie frequencies. Bird-
ies are signals created inside the scanner's
receiver. These operating frequencies might
interfere with transmissions on the same fre-
quencies. If you program one of these fre-
quencies, you hear only noise on that
frequency. If the interference is not severe,
you might be able to turn
wise to omit the birdie.
This scanner's birdie frequencies (in MHz)
Wavelength Frequencies (MHz)
10-Meter 28.000–29.700
6-Meter 50.000–54.000
2-Meter 144.000–148.000
70-cm 420.000–450.000
33-cm 902.000–928.000
25-cm 1240.000–1300.000
VHF Low Band (MHz)
25.5000 36.865 38.2500 41.8900
43.010 49.150 51.000
VHF High/Air Band (MHz
114.7500 127.500 129.025 129.150
138.240 141.315 144.3850 147.455
150.530 153.5975 156.675 159.7425
162.820 165.750 165.890 168.965
168.990 171.250 172.035