Serial Communications
42 Runco VX-2i Owner’s Operating Manual
DVI1 NA YES Selects the DVI 1 input
DVI2 NA YES Selects the DVI 2 input
OUT169 NA YES Sets the output screen to 1.78:1 (16:9)
OUT235 NA YES Sets the output screen to 2.35:1
ANAMORPHIC NA YES Selects the Anamorphic aspect ratio
STANDARD NA YES Selects the Standard (4:3) aspect ratio
LETTERBOX NA YES Selects the Letterbox aspect ratio
VIRTUALWIDE NA YES Selects the VirtualWide aspect ratio
CINEMA NA YES Selects the Cinema aspect ratio
INTELLI235 NA YES Selects the Virtualwide 2.35 aspect ratio
RGBNN NA YES Outputs color space RGB with negative,
negative sync
RGBPP NA YES Outputs color space RGB with positive,
positive sync
RGBS NA YES Outputs color space RGB with embedded
sync on green
YUV NA YES HD YUV output color space
PHASE 0/3 YES Adjusts phase
IHPOS -100/100 YES Sets a value for horizontal input position
IVPOS -100/100 YES Sets a value for vertical input position
IWIDTH -100/100 YES Sets the value for input width
IHEIGHT -100/100 YES Sets the value for input height
OVERSCAN 0/10 YES Sets the overscan percentage
OHPOS -100/100 YES Sets the value for output horizontal position
OVPOS -100/100 YES Sets the value for output vertical position
OWIDTH -100/100 YES Sets the value for output width
OHEIGHT -100/100 YES Sets the value for output height
BRIGHTNESS -100/100 YES Sets a value for brightness
CONTRAST -100/100 YES Sets a value for contrast
COLOR -100/100 YES Sets a value for color
TINT -100/100 YES Sets a value for tint
SHARPNESS -6/6 YES Sets a value for sharpness
Table 6-1. Serial Commands (continued)