Hancom Viewer
Hancom Office Viewer opens and manages Hancom Office
Hanword (*.hwp) and Hanshow (*.show) documents.
Ⅲ Touch Hancom Viewer.
Google Hangouts is an online place to meet friends and
family, share photos, and host video calls.
Visit google.com/+/learnmore/hangouts
to learn more.
Note: This app requires a Google Account.
Ⅲ Touch Hangouts.
Access help information to learn how to use the device and
applications or configure important settings.
Ⅲ Touch Help.
Find your current location, get directions and traffic reports,
discover local businesses and attractions, and much more.
Visit google.com/maps/about/explore/mobile
to learn more.
Important! Google Maps requires an active data network or
Wi-Fi connection. Some features require that one
or more location services be enabled. For more
information, refer to “Location” on page 95.
Ⅲ Touch Maps.