Programming Manual 3. Command Code Quick Reference
SATO RISC Printers 125
R Rotate, Moving Base Reference Point. Rotates the
printing of all subsequent images by 90 degrees coun-
terclockwise each time it is used. Also moves the base
reference point.
S Font type. Specifies the 8W x 15H dot matrix font
(including descenders).
Tabcc(data) Store Custom Designed Characters. To create and
store custom characters or images in the printer’s vola-
tile memory. See Kab90cc to recall the character for
a = 1 16 x 16 matrix
b = Specifies data stream format to follow
B Binary
H Hexadecimal
cc = Memory location to store the character.
(data) = Data to describe the character.
U Font type. Specifies a 5W x 9L dot matrix font (inclu-
ding descenders).
Vbbbb Vertical Position. Specifies a field’s vertical location
down the length of the label from the current base refe-
rence point. Units of measurement are dots.
WBa Font type. Specifies the 18W x 30L dot matrix font
(including descenders).
a = 0 Disables auto-smoothing of font
1 Enables auto-smoothing if expansion is
greater than 3
XccccYdddd Copy Image Area. To copy an image to another loca-
tion of the label.
aaaa= Horizontal position of the top left corner of
image area
bbbb= Vertical position of the top left corner of image
cccc = Horizontal length of image area
dddd= Vertical length of image area