When a broadcast transmission includes both scan mode and Internet fax mode destinations, the Internet fax mode
settings (original orientation and other settings) are given priority. When performing this type of broadcast transmission,
note the information below.
Original placement orientation
The orientation of Internet fax mode is given priority. When "Rotation Sending
Setting" is enabled in the system settings (administrator), the image is rotated 90
degrees. For this reason, in some cases the image may not be displayed in the
correct orientation.
Send size
When the file format is set to [TIFF-S] in Internet fax mode, transmission is only
possible in A4R (8-1/2" x 11"R) size.
The Internet fax settings are given priority.
When the file format is set to [TIFF-S] in Internet fax mode and a high resolution
setting is selected in scan mode, the resolution will be changed to [200X200dpi].
File compression mode
The compression mode will be changed to the compression mode set in
"Compression Mode at Broadcasting" in the system settings (administrator).
Colour scanning
Scanning will take place in Mono 2 regardless of the colour mode setting.
This cannot be selected in scan mode, however, if selected in Internet fax mode, it will
also be applied to scan destinations.
Scan file size
If a broadcast transmission is performed that includes destinations for which an
attachment size limit has been set using "Maximum Size of E-mail Attachments
(E-mail)" or "Maximum Size of Data Attachments (FTP/Desktop/Network Folder)" in
the system settings (administrator), the limit will also apply to destinations for which a
limit is not set. (The limitation setting of Scan to E-mail or Internet fax is given priority.)