T12017-Sentry_LANServer_Users_Manual Page 45 of 59
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2269 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@fieldserver.com
Error Message User Action / Notes
WEB:#93 FYI. favicon.ico not
The file favicon.ico is requested and then displayed by some browsers.
For example, Firefox displays the icon just to the left of the page URL.
The browser doesn’t mind if the field is absent - in these cases it uses
a default Icon.
You can make a 10x10 (or even 16x16 ) icon and store it on the
WebServer as favicon.ico. The WebServer will serve the file each time
it is requested.
If the file is absent then this SDO is printed once and then suppressed
The message may be safely ignored.
To add the file to your project for download by toWS.exe simply place
the file in the same folder as the config.csv file inside the project folder
which is itself a sub folder of C:\Program
Web:#94b FYI. Memory
allocated for Sentry Taglist"
Web:#94c FYI. Memory for
Sentry Taglist freed"
These messages may be safely ignored. They simply confirm that the
driver allocated/freed memory for the sentry list. If you have a GAS
application and 94b is not printed then expect other errors too.
WEB:#95 FYI. HTTP Packet
Size=%d (non-default).
The default value for HTTP TCP packet size is 1450. That is also the
max value (unless otherwise indicated). This may be overridden by
setting a parameter in the file config.htm which may be part of a
WebServer project.
Set the parameter by having a line with the following contents.
HTTPpacketSize=xxxx where xxxx is some number between 1 and
1450. The smallest value tested was 800.