Appendix 41
Note: Options written in bold type repre-
sent the BIOS setup default.
BIOS legend bar
The following chart describes the legend keys and their func-
BIOS main menu
The Main BIOS menu is the first screen that appears when
you enter BIOS setup. The menu has two main frames. The
left frame displays all the options that can be configured.
"Grayed-out" options cannot be configured, options in blue
can be changed.
The right frame displays the key legend. Above the key leg-
end is an area reserved for a text message. When an option
is selected in the left frame, it is highlighted in white. Often, a
text message will accompany it.
Key Function
<F1> General help window
<ESC> Exit current window
ÅÆ arrow keys Move between menus
ÇÈ arrow keys Move cursor up/down
<Tab> or <Shift-Tab> Select submenu
<Home> or <End> Move cursor to the top or bottom of the window
<PgUp> or <PgDn> Move cursor to the next or previous page
<Plus> or <Minus> Change value
<F9> Load setup default configuration values
<F10> Save and exit
<Enter> Select submenu