Assigning the IP Address
1 Enter the following commands at an MS-DOS
prompt (or command prompt) on a computer on
the network:
arp -s <video network station IP
address> <MAC address>
z Hint
For example, your entries could be similar to the
arp -s 08-00-46-08-14-da
To use ARP with Windows 95, enter the
arp -s <video network station IP
address> <MAC address> <Windows 95 host
IP address>
2 Disconnect the power cord to the video network
station briefly, then reconnect it and enter the
following at the MS-DOS prompt (or command
prompt) from a computer on the network.
This command should be executed within two
minutes after reconnecting the power cord.
ping <video network station IP address>
The video network station reboots and a “Request
time out” message is returned.
3 Enter the following at the MS-DOS prompt (or
command prompt) from a computer on the
ping <video network station IP address>
When the video network station IP address has
been entered and communications established, the
“Reply from ...” message appears.
Confirming Installation
To confirm the connection, access the video network
station using a Web browser on a computer on the
Web Browser Preparation
Internet Explorer 5 must be installed on a computer to
set up the video network station and to view images.
The “Sony ActiveX Camera Control” (ActiveX
component) is installed by the following procedure.
1 Launch Internet Explorer.
2 In the [Tools] menu, select [Internet Options],
click the [Security] tab, set the [Security level of
this zone] to “Low”, and click [OK].
3 Enter the following in the [Address] box, and press
the Enter key.
http://<host name or IP address of the
video network station>/
A message appears asking to “Install and execute
“http://<video network station IP address>/activex/
ATLCamImage.ocx” ”.
z Hint
If a message appears requesting that you download
and install the Microsoft Virtual Machine, this
component was not installed when Internet
Explorer was installed. In this case, download and
install the Microsoft Virtual Machine according to
the screen instructions.
4 Select “Yes” to install the “SONY ActiveX
Camera Control” according to the screen
5 When installation is finished, again select [Internet
Options] in the [Tools] menu, click the [Security]
tab, return the [Security level of this zone] to its
original setting, and click [OK].