Crystal Audio Drivers installation SY-7IWA-F
Chapter 5
Installing Crystal Audio drivers under Windows 95
The driver for Windows 95 can be installed through the SOYO-CD. To install it
manually, go to the D:\driv_all\crystal\win95Drv directory and run setup.exe.
The CD also contains a 16bit application for Windows 95, that can be installed
through the SOYO-CD. To install it manually, go to the
D:\driv_all\crystal\win95app directory and run setup.exe
Installing Crystal Audio Drivers under windows 98
1. Open Device Manager.
2. PCI Multimedia Device will have a yellow marker the first time the operating
system is installed.
3. Select "Properties" on the yellow marker.
4. Select the "Driver" tab.
5. Click on "Update Driver"
6. Select the following directory:D:\driv-all\crystal\window98\image
and click OK. You will need the Windows 98 Second Edition to complete the
WDM installation.
7. The entry that will show up in the Sound, Video, and Game Controllers is:
Crystal WDM Audio Codec.
8. A little Sound Icon appears on the Task Bar upon completing the driver
Uninstalling/Re-Installing Crystal Audio Drivers
1. Open Device Manager.
2. Remove Crystal WDM Audio Codec entry in the Sound, Video, and
GameControllers section. Crystal is not the owner of the game controller on
this audio solution.