A PGM is a programmable output that toggles to its opposite state (i.e. a normally open PGM will close) when a specific event
has occurred in the system. For example, a PGM can be used to reset smoke detectors, activate bells or strobe lights, open/
close garage doors and much more. When a PGM closes, the control panel supplies a ground to the PGM activating any
device or relay connected to it. When a PGM opens, the circuit opens from ground, therefore, cutting power to any devices
connected to it.
1728EX and 1728:
A programmable output that provides
up to 150mA
. Refer to PGM for 1728EX and 1728 on page 10.
1738EX and 1738:
A programmable output that provides
up to 1A.
Refer to
Alarm Relay and PGMs for 1738EX and 1738 on
page 10.
1738EX and 1738 only: PGM2 is a programmable output that can provide up to 1A. PGM2 is designed to be used as a
Strobe Output. For information refer to PGM Strobe Options on page 42. For connections, refer to Alarm Relay and PGMs for
1738EX and 1738 on page 10.
Global PGM
The Global PGM allows you to use the control panel’s PGM Event List to activate PGMs located on a module or LCD keypad.
For example, if you enable a module’s “Follows Global PGM” option, the PGM on the module will activate whenever the event
programmed in section [124] occurs. Every PGM on every keypad and/or expansion bus module can be programmed to
follow the event(s) defined by the Global PGM.
Sections [120], [122], and [124]
This feature allows you to program the control panel to activate a PGM when a specific event occurs in the system.
The PGM will remain in its active state until the programmed PGM Deactivation Event occurs or when the PGM
Delay period elapses (see page 42). For the Event List see the PGM Table in the Spectra 1728EX, 1728, 1738EX
and 1738 Programming Guide. PGM2 is available on the 1738EX and 1738 only. To program a PGM Activation
1) Enter section that represents the desired PGM. PGM1 = [120], PGM2 = [122], Global PGM = [124]
2) Enter the Event Group #.
3) Enter the Sub-Group #.
4) Enter the Partition #
01 = Partition 1
02 = Partition 2
99 = Both Partitions
The “AC Loss” PGM Event will only occur after the Power Failure Report Delay elapses (see page 39).
Sections [121], [123], [125]
After PGM activation, the PGM will return to its normal state (deactivate) when the programmed PGM Deactivation
Event occurs. Instead of deactivating the PGM when a specific event occurs, the PGM can deactivate after a
programmed period elapses (see PGM Delay). For the Event List see the PGM Table in the Spectra 1728EX, 1728,
1738EX and 1738 Programming Guide. PGM2 is available on the 1738EX and 1738 only. If using the PGM Delay,
these sections can be used as a second activation event.
1) Enter section that represents the desired PGM. PGM1 = [121], PGM2 = [123], Global PGM = [125]
2) Enter the Event Group #.
3) Enter the Sub-Group #.
4) Enter the Partition #
01 = Partition 1
02 = Partition 2
99 = Both Partitions