20 Sun SNMP Management Agent Addendum for the Netra 440 Server • April 2004
sunPlatNotificationAdditionalText entPhysicalName of the sensor: Voltage threshold crossed
sunPlatNotificationPerceivedSeverity major(3) or cleared(6)
sunPlatNotificationProbableCause powerProblem(58)
sunPlatNotificationSpecificProblem powerProblem
* ps instance indicates the row in the entPhysicalTable associated with the power supply.
TABLE 9 sunPlatAttributeChangeInteger Trap for a Change in the sunPlatEquipmentAlarmStatus of a Power
Variable Value
sunPlatNotificationEventId unique numeric identifier
sunPlatNotificationTime date time
sunPlatNotificationObject entPhysicalDescr.ps instance
* ps instance indicates the row in the entPhysicalTable associated with the power supply.
sunPlatNotificationChangedOID sunPlatEquipmentAlarmStatus.ps instance
sunPlatNotificationOldInteger major(2) or cleared(7)
sunPlatNotificationNewInteger major(2) or cleared(7)
TABLE 10 sunPlatAttributeChangeInteger Trap for a Change in the sunPlatAlarmState of an LED
Variable Value
sunPlatNotificationEventId unique numeric identifier
sunPlatNotificationTime date time
sunPlatNotificationObject entPhysicalDescr.LED instance
sunPlatNotificationChangedOID sunPlatAlarmState.LED instance
* LED instance indicates the row in the entPhysicalTable associated with the LED.
sunPlatNotificationOldInteger off(2) or steady(3)
sunPlatNotificationNewInteger off(2) or steady(3)
TABLE 8 sunPlatEquipmentAlarm Trap for a Power Supply Fault or Recovery (Continued)
Variable Value