TABLE5–2 Tuning 64–bit Systemsfor Performance Benchmarking
Parameter Scope DefaultValue TunedValue Comments
rlim_fd_max /etc/system 65536 260000 Process open le descriptorslimit;
should account forthe expected load
(for the associatedsockets, les, pipes
if any).
hires_tick /etc/system 1
sq_max_size /etc/system 2 0 Controls streams driver queue size;
setting to 0makes it innite so the
performance runs won’tbe hit by lack
of buer space.Set on clients too.
Notethat setting sq_max_size to 0
might not beoptimal for production
systems with highnetwork trac.
ip:ip_squeue_bind 0
ip:ip_squeue_fanout 1
ipge:ipge_taskq_disable /etc/system 0
ipge:ipge_tx_ring_size /etc/system 2048
ipge:ipge_srv_fifo_depth /etc/system 2048
ipge:ipge_bcopy_thresh /etc/system 384
ipge:ipge_dvma_thresh /etc/system 384
ipge:ipge_tx_syncq /etc/system 1
tcp_conn_req_max_q ndd /dev/tcp 128 3000
tcp_conn_req_max_q0 ndd /dev/tcp 1024 3000
tcp_max_buf ndd /dev/tcp 4194304
tcp_cwnd_max ndd/dev/tcp 2097152
tcp_xmit_hiwat ndd /dev/tcp 8129 400000 To increase thetransmit buer.
tcp_recv_hiwat ndd /dev/tcp 8129 400000 To increase thereceive buer.
Note that the IPGE driver version is 1.25.25.
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1PerformanceTuningGuide • January2009104