Minimum Pool Size: The minimum number of threads in the ORB thread pool. Set to the
average number of threads needed at a steady (RMI/ IIOP) load.
Maximum Pool Size: The maximum number of threads in the ORB thread pool.
Idle Timeout: Number of seconds to wait before removing an idle thread from pool. Allows
shrinking of the thread pool.
Number of Work Queues
In particular, the maximum pool size is important to performance. For more information, see
“Thread Pool Sizing” on page 74.
Client ORB Properties
Specify the following properties as command-line arguments when launching the client
program. You do this by using the following syntax when starting the Java VM:
Controlling connections between client and server ORB
When using the default JDK ORB on the client, a connection is established from the client ORB
to the application server ORB every time an initial context is created. To pool or share these
connections when they are opened from the same process by adding to the conguration on the
client ORB.
Using multiple connections
Note – The property com.sun.appserv.iiop.orbconnections is not supported in Sun
GlassFish Enterprise Server, version 8.x.
When using the context factory, (com.sun.appserv.naming.S1ASCtxFactory), you can specify
the number of connections to open to the server from the client ORB with the property
The default value is one. Using more than one connection may improve throughput for
network-intense applications. The conguration changes are specied on the client ORB(s) by
adding the following jvm-options:
Chapter3 • Tuningthe EnterpriseServer 73