Message(Thread[ORB Client-side Reader, conn to,5,main]):
createFromStream: type is 4 <
MessageBase(Thread[ORB Client-side Reader, conn to,5,main]):
Message GIOP version: 1.2
MessageBase(Thread[ORB Client-side Reader, conn to,5,main]):
ORB Max GIOP Version: 1.2
Message(Thread[ORB Client-side Reader, conn to,5,main]):
createFromStream: message construction complete.
(Thread[ORB Client-side Reader, conn to,5,main]): Received message:
----- Input Buffer -----
Current index: 0
Total length : 340
Note – The ag -Dcom.sun.CORBA.ORBdebug=giop generates many debug messages in the logs.
This is used only when you suspect message fragmentation.
In this sample output above, the createFromStream type is shown as 4. This implies that the
message is a fragment of a bigger message. To avoid fragmented messages, increase the
fragment size. Larger fragments mean that messages are sent as one unit and not as fragments,
saving the overhead of multiple messages and corresponding processing at the receiving end to
piece the messages together.
If most messages being sent in the application are fragmented, increasing the fragment size is
likely to improve eciency. On the other hand, if only a few messages are fragmented, it might
be more ecient to have a lower fragment size that requires smaller buers for writing
Improving ORB Performance with Java Serialization
It is possible to improve ORB performance by using Java Serialization instead of standard
Common Data Representation (CDR) for data for transport over the network. This capability is
called Java Serialization over GIOP (General Inter-ORB Protocol), or JSG.
In some cases, JSG can provide better performance throughput than CDR. The performance
dierences depend highly on the application. Applications with remote objects having small
amounts data transmitted between client and server will most often perform better using JSG.
Chapter3 • Tuningthe EnterpriseServer 75