Overview of Enterprise Server Performance
You can signicantly improve performance of the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server and of
applications deployed to it by adjusting a few deployment and server conguration settings.
However, it is important to understand the environment and performance goals. An optimal
conguration for a production environment might not be optimal for a development
This chapter discusses the following topics:
“Process Overview” on page 17
“Understanding Operational Requirements” on page 19
“General Tuning Concepts” on page 23
“Further Information” on page 26
Process Overview
The following table outlines the overall administration process, and shows where performance
tuning ts in the sequence.
TABLE1–1 PerformanceTuning Roadmap
Step DescriptionofTask LocationofInstructions
1 Design: Decide on the high-availabilitytopology
and set upthe ApplicationServer and, if you are
using HADBfor session persistence,
high-availability database (HADB) systems.
Deployment Planning Guide
2 Capacity Planning: Makesure the systems have
sucient resources toperform well.
Deployment Planning Guide