SUPER MICRO Computer 5010H Network Card User Manual

Chapter 7: AMIBIOS
Event Log Configuration
Event Logging
This option Enables or Disables the logging of events. You can use this
screen to select options for the Event Log Configuration Settings. You can
access sub screens to view the event log and mark all events as read. Use
the up and down arrow keys to select an item, and the plus (+) and minus
(-) keys to change the option setting. The settings are described on the
following pages. The screen is shown below.
ECC Event Logging
This option Enables or Disables the logging of ECC events. The events
logged by AMIBIOS are post errors such as a bad BIOS, floppy errors, or
hard drive errors.
Clear All Event Logs
This option can be used to tell the system to clear the event log on the next
boot up. The settings are No and Yes.
View Event Log
This option allows the user view the events of the system. The settings are
No and Yes.
Mark all Events as Read
This option allows the user to use the screen to mark all events as read.
The settings are OK and Cancel.