SUPER MICRO Computer 6014L-T Network Card User Manual

UPERSERVER 6014L-T User's Manual
Speaker/Power LED/Keylock
On the JF2 header, pins 1, 3, 5 and
7 are for the speaker, pins 2, 4 and 6
are for the power LED and pins 8 and
10 are for the keylock. Pin 9 is absent
(key). See the table on the right for
speaker pin defi nitions.
Note: The speaker connector pins are
for use with an external speaker. If
you wish to use the onboard speaker,
you should close pins 5-7 with a
The Wake-On-Ring header is desig-
nated JWOR. This function allows
your computer to receive and "wake-
up" by an incoming call to the modem
when in suspend state. See the table
on the right for pin defi nitions. You
must have a Wake-On-Ring card and
cable to use this feature.
Pin Defi nitions
Pin# Defi nition
1 Ground (Black)
2 Wake-up
The Wake-On-LAN (JWOL) header is
designated JWOR. See the table on
the right for pin defi nitions. You must
enable the LAN Wake-Up function in
the BIOS and also have a LAN card
with a Wake-on-LAN connector and
cable to use this feature.
Pin Defi nitions
Pin# Defi nition
1 +5V Standby
2 Ground
3 Wake-up
Speaker Connection
Pin Defi nitions
1 Red Wire, Speaker Data
3 No Connection
7 Speaker Data
PWR LED/Keylock Connec-
tion Pin Defi nitions
2 +Vcc
4 -Vcc
6 -Vcc
8 Keylock
10 Keylock