■ Managed host
■ Switch port
■ NAS (TB)
Becauseof thesenew licensingoptions, youneedto obtainnew licenseswhen you
upgrade to CommandCentral 5.1. Whenyou upgrade to 5.1, an evaluation license
installs. The evaluation license is valid for 60 days. Obtain new licenses before
the evaluation license expires.
Formoreinformation aboutobtainingnewlicenses,goto theSymantecLicensing
Portal: www.symantec.com/business/products/licensing/activation/
For more information about CommandCentral licensing, refer to the
CommandCentral Administrator’s Guide.
Ability to install a managed host and then configure it later
In CommandCentral Storage 5.1,you can now choose to install the managedhost
withoutconfiguring it.Youcanthen configurethehostat alatertime. Forexample,
youmight usethis featuretoclone themanagedhost onmultiple hostsfora faster
For more information, see the CommandCentral Installation Guide.
Reduced media and install footprint for the managed host
Both the media footprint and installation footprint of the CommandCentral
managed host was reduced. As a result, the managed host occupies less space.
Other enhancements
CommandCentral Storage 5.1 introduces the following features.
Windows Server 2008 support
You can now install the CommandCentral managed host and Push Install Utility
on Windows Server 2008 hosts.
Red Hat Linux 5.0 support
You can now install the CommandCentral managed host on Red Hat Linux 5.0
SUSE Linux Enterprise server 9 and 10 support
Youcannow installtheCommandCentralmanaged hostonSUSELinux Enterprise
server 9 and 10 hosts.
13Getting started with the CommandCentral family
About Veritas CommandCentral Storage