SAN Access Layer (SAL) Acomponentthat performeddiscoveryandaccesscontrol intheSANPointControl
and CommandCentral Storage 4.x products. See Hardware Abstraction Layer
scan An operation that detects all resources visible to an explorer through either an
in-band connection or a device manager. A CommandCentral Storage operator
can initiate the scan operation through the Console. A scan is also performed
routinely whenever an in-band explorer executes.
SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface. A hardware interface that allows for the
connection of multiple peripheral devices to a single expansion board that plugs
into the computer. The interface is widely used to connect personal computers
to peripheral devices such as disk and media drives.
SCSI bus The communication pathway between a SCSI host adapter card and target SCSI
devices. Physically, the bus begins at one end of a SCSI cable at the host adapter
card and ends at the other end of the cable at the target device.
SCSI disk A storage device (fixed disk) attached to a SCSI bus.
SCSI LUN A division within a group of SCSI devices that identifies a sub-device. See also
server The central point at which data is gathered, and the machine on which the
CommandCentral Storage database resides. A typical configuration consists of
one server (for example, the CommandCentral Storage Management Server) and
several managed hosts.
SICL (Simple
Collection Layer)
Anengine, residingonthe CommandCentralStoragemanagedhost, thatlaunches
scripts and transfers the script output to the Alert Manager. Each SICL script,
written for a particular vendor’s device, gathers data using native techniques
such as vendor CLI, log file scrubbing, and database mining.
slot An opening in a computer or other network device into which a printed circuit
board can be inserted, adding capability to the device. Also expansion slot.
SMTP SimpleMail Transfer Protocol, a commonly used protocol for sending email
messages between servers.
SnapMirror A method of mirroring volumes and qtrees on NetApp unified storage devices.
With SnapMirror, a user can schedule or initiate data transfers, request
information about transfers, update a mirror, and manage mirrors.
CommandCentralStoragecandiscoverand displayinformationaboutSnapMirrors.
See also mirroring.
snapshot A point-in-time image of a volume or file system that can be used as a backup.
SNMP The Simple Network Management Protocol for Internet network management
and communications used to promote interoperability. SNMP depends on
CommandCentral Glossary46