volume Instorage media managed by Veritas Volume Manager, a virtual disk made up of
aportionor portionsofone ormorephysicaldisks andrepresentinganaddressable
range of disk blocks. It is used by applications such as file systems or databases.
Inan IBMDS6000or DS8000array, anaddressableunit (LUN)thatis createdfrom
an extent pool. See also extent pool
Ina NetAppunifiedstorage device,afilesystem holdinguserdata thatisaccessible
throughone ormore ofthe accessprotocols supportedby DataONTAP, including
NFS, CIFS, HTTP, WebDAV, FTP, FCP and iSCSI. Each volume depends on its
containing aggregate for all of its physical storage—that is, for all storage in the
aggregate’s disks and RAID groups. See also aggregate
Volume Manager See Veritas Volume Manager.
VRTSaz See Symantec Product Authorization Service.
VSAN See virtual fabric.
VxPBX See Symantec Private Branch Exchange (VxPBX).
Web Engine See CommandCentral Storage Web Engine.
World Wide Name
A registered, 64-bit, unique identifier that is assigned to nodes and ports.
A specification developed by the W3C. XML allows designers to create custom
tags to enable flexibility in sharing and displaying Web documents.
zone A named subset of nodes and ports (zone members) on a single fabric. On a SAN,
fabrics secure data from unwanted access by restricting the interconnectivity
between nodes belonging to different zones.
zone alias A symbolic name assigned to a device or group of devices on a SAN fabric. By
creating azone alias, youcan assign afamiliar nameto a device,or you cangroup
multiple devices into a single name. A zone alias must be a unique alphanumeric
stringbeginning withanalpha character.Theunderscore character( _)is allowed,
and zone alias names are case sensitive.
zone member Anobject (nodeorport) thatbelongsto azone.An objectcanbe amemberof more
than one zone.
zone membership For an object (node or port) on a SAN, the state or status of being a member of a
specific zone. A zone member can communicate only with other objects that are
members of the same zone—in other words, with objects that share at least one
zone membership with it.
zone set A setof zone definitions fora single FibreChannel fabric. Zone setsare useful for
defining and enforcing access restrictions that change, for example, at different
times duringthe day. Azone canbelong to morethan one zoneset; however,only
one zone set for a given fabric can be active at one time.
51CommandCentral Glossary