Console provides a central point to display and manage storage resources, create
andmodify policies,provisionstorage,administer accesscontrol,andview reports.
Storage database
A database, residing on the Management Server, that gathers data related to
performanceand monitoring,reports,alarms, servicerequests,and theHardware
Abstraction Layer (HAL). A Sybase ASA (Adaptive Server Anywhere) database
management system, the database is installed silently when you install
CommandCentral Storage.
Storage Management
The portion of theCommandCentral Storage product offering that resides onthe
primary host.It contains components suchas the primaryHardware Abstraction
Service, and Data Module Importer.
Storage Web Engine
Thesoftwarecomponentthat suppliesthedataseenbyusersof CommandCentral
Storage.The Web Enginereceives datafrom oneor moreServers anddelivers the
data to users through a standard Web browser.
configured storage Physicalstorage thathasbeen formattedand isreadyto beapportionedinto RAID
groups. Contrast with unconfigured storage.
Console See CommandCentral Storage Console.
DM (Data Module) The Data Module is a subsystem of CommandCentral products that provides
Microsoft Exchange and file scanning details.
DM (Data Module)
A utility in CommandCentral Storage that parses data from the Data Module
Exchange explorer and the Data Module File Systems explorer and places it into
the CommandCentral Storage database. The DM Importer normally runs
automatically, but a user can manually start it using the Console.
DM (DataModule) rules User-configurable conditional statements that govern the behavior of the Data
Module Exchange explorer and the Data Module File Systems explorer. (These
explorers are part of the Data Module in CommandCentral Storage.) For each
explorer, the rules control the scope of its discovery and the ways it gathers and
logs data.
data store See CommandCentral Storage database.
delete In CommandCentral Storage, an operation that removes discovery information
aboutone ormoreobjects fromtheCommandCentralStorage database.Thestates
of the objects themselves—for example, the existence of a LUN on anarray or the
configuration of a switch—are not affected by the delete operation. Optionally,
deleted information can be restored to the database by a rediscover operation.
Contrast with destroy. See also rediscover.
destroy InCommandCentral Storage,an operation thatmodifies the configurationof one
or more devices in the SAN. Examples are destroying zones and destroying port
bundles, both of which modify the configuration of one or more switches. Unlike
CommandCentral Glossary38