event A notification thatindicates when an action,such as an alert ora change in state,
has occurred for one or more objects on the storage network.
explorer A software tool that uses a unique methodology to discover information about a
particularkind ofresourceon thestoragenetwork. TheCommandCentralStorage
product includes several explorers that are used to locate resources and discover
information about them. See also discovery.
extended discovery A CommandCentral Storage feature that enables discovery of all LUNs and Fibre
Channel portsin a storage devicealong with additionalLUN attributes. Extended
discovery is activated when you install the product with the array management
feature. See also discovery.
extent A continuous space on a disk or storage volume that is occupied by or reserved
for a particular data set, data space, or file.
extent pool Inan IBMDS6000 orDS8000array, astoragevirtualization objectthat aggregates
the extents from a set of ranks. See also extent rank.
fabric Agroup ofSANobjects connectedbya FibreChannel(FC) switch.A fabriccontains
at least one FC switch and may also contain zones.
failover Abackup operation that automatically switches to a standby database, server, or
network if the primary system fails or is temporarily shut down for servicing.
FC-GS-3 Fibre Channel third-generation generic services. An ANSI (American National
StandardsInstitute) standardthatdefines commonly-usedFibreChannel services
suchasthe nameserver,managementserver,and timeserver.InCommandCentral
Storage, this standard is used for the GS explorer to discover Brocade switches.
See also Fibre Channel GS explorer.
Fibre Channel A collective name for the fibre optic technology that is commonly used to set up
a storage area network (SAN) or virtual fabric (VSAN). A set of standards capable
of transferringdata between portsand through networkdevices at higherspeeds
and over significantly greater distances than SCSI technology, Fibre Channel
supports point-to-point, loop, and fabric topologies.
file system A means of organizing the addressable (LUN) storage of one or more physical or
virtual disks to give users and applications a convenient way of organizing files.
File systems appear to users and applications as directories arranged in a
filter In CommandCentral Storage, a feature in tables and in the Topology Map with
which a user can limit the number and types of objects displayed. Also, a way in
which an administrator can limit the amount of data collected by the Exchange
explorer during an Exchange scan.
firmware A set of software instructions set permanently in a device’s memory.
CommandCentral Glossary40