Symbol Technologies 1813-A2-GB20-00 Switch User Manual

1813 VoIP Gateway User’s Guide
Appendix D: GLOSSARY
100BaseT: A 100 Mbps Ethernet standard that uses twisted-pair wiring.
10BaseT: A 10 Mbps Ethernet standard that uses twisted-pair wiring.
address: The symbol (usually numeric) identifying an interface attached to a network.
ADSL: An asynchronous form of DSL in which the bandwidth available for downstream
connection is significantly larger than for upstream.
analog loop: A test in which a modem’s voice signal is looped to its receiver.
analog signal: A continuously variable signal (compare with digital).
Annex A: The part of the G.992.1 standard that refers to ADSL over POTS (adopted by the
Annex B: The part of the G.992.1 standard that refers to ADSL over ISDN (adopted by Europe)
Annex C: The part of the G.992.1 standard that refers to ADSL over ISDN (adopted by Japan).
ANSI: American National Standards Institute.
ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
attenuation: The loss of power of a transmitted signal as it travels over a wire.
auto-summary: A RIP command to restore the default behavior of automatic summarization
of subnet routes into network-level routes.
backbone: The main circuit that carries data before it is split into extended circuits going to
final destination. Often used to refer to the part of the network that joins LANs together.
bandwidth: The range of frequencies of a transmission channel. The wider the range the higher
the data rate that can be sent. Hence, bandwidth is also taken to mean the data rate.
Baud: One baud is one symbol (state-transition or level-transition) per second.
BERT: Bit Error Rate Test. A test that compares a received pattern with a known transmitted
pattern to determine the quality.
Bit: A binary digit, with the value of 0 or 1.
boot: Start a device.
Bps: Bits per second. The speed at which bits are transmitted across a data connection.